Tag Archives: holidays

Handling the Holidays

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happy thanksgivingToday is Thanksgiving. For the rest of the world this means vacation. As a nurse though, chances are you’ll be covering a regular shift. While not being able to spend this special time with close family and friends can be disappointing, you can still make the most of it by simply readjusting your attitude and approaching the situation from a different perspective. You’ll see it really isn’t too terrible to spend the holidays in your scrubs.

Plan a Fun Time With Your Co-workers:
No one said you can’t enjoy the holidays just because you’ll be spending it in the hospital. Your colleagues are practically family given the amount of time you spend together, so why not take advantage of that. Maybe plan a special meal together and have everyone bring their favorite dish from home, or organize a fun game to bring on the laughs.  You can even indulge in a little retail therapy by shopping for some fashionable new scrubs. Covering a shift when Black Friday begins? Not a problem. Simply visit Medical Discount Scrubs on the web and enjoy 25% off while you browse the latest and most stylish medical scrubs. They even carry maternity scrubs for all you moms-to-be.

Cheer Up the Patients:
Being in the hospital over the holidays is definitely not something a patient chooses. What’s more, they’re most likely feeling quite sick and missing those nearest and dearest to them. Lucky you though, after your shift is over you get to go home to your loved ones and enjoy whatever is left of the holiday. So take a step back, and instead of thinking about what you’re missing out on, go the extra mile and try to bring the holiday spirit to those under your care. Bring each of your patients a card, wear something fun and spunky, and just make sure to make the holidays all about them.

Be Grateful:
Don’t harp on the fact that you’re working and all your friends are not. Instead be thankful for all the wonderful things in your life, such as the fact that you have a stable job which you actually enjoy, and the fact that you’re healthy while your patients are not.  As a plus, you’ll be getting holiday pay while you work to cheer up those around you, which you can then go and spend at Medical Discount Scrubs 25% off sale on Black Friday. Check out their Cherokee scrubs in particular; they’re oh so chic and super fashionable!
