Author Archives: MDSblogger

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is Here!

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Breast Cancer AwarenessEveryone knows that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. It’s the month when breast cancer is on the forefront of our minds. Whether it’s about being reminded to have a plan to detect the disease or the marathons and donations that are taking place, it just seems like pink is all over!

Support is not only about the mula. You can support the Breast Cancer Foundation, breast cancer patients and breast cancer survivors even if you don’t have the big bucks. If donations seem like a costly way to support breast cancer, you can take the cheaper route and show your support by donning a pink ribbon. You can pray for those afflicted, too. Nurses are already running marathons, so joining an athletic fundraiser for the cause is most likely not feasible. Instead, while running a marathon at work, wear scrubs that will show what you care about.

Breast Cancer AwarenessThe best cure for breast cancer is detection. If detected in early stages, it can be so curable. According to the National Career Institute, when breast cancer is detected early (localized stage), the 5-year survival rate is 98%. Additionally, statistics show that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. Contrary to popular belief, men can also be affected by this disease. Although rare, it does happen. So go ahead, get you early detection plan on the Breast Cancer Foundation’s website if you haven’t yet. Welcome to 2013 – you can also download an Early Detection App!

Let’s make noise! Let’s continue the fight!

Happy Labor Day!

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Happy Labor Day!

Labor Day seems like the end yet, at the same time it’s the beginning of so much. So which one is it? The beginning or end?

For most, it seems like Labor Day celebrates the end of summer, and the end of vacation. It almost feels like it’s the last licks of barbecues, and the last look at the beach. You better believe that there’s more to it than what meets the eye!

Interestingly, Labor Day was first recognized in 1984 to appease the unionists after the Pullman strike. However, since union memberships have decreased, Labor Day is now recognized as a day to celebrate the economic and social contributions of workers.

True, Labor Day is recognized as a day when it is no longer fashionable for the color white be worn. That would definitely count as the end of something. Schools start a day after Labor Day, and that would be the beginning. New books, unused supplies, different grade, and a fresh start. Labor Day marks the beginning of the NFL and College Football seasons too. For some that means saying good-bye to their football-obsessed loved ones. For others it’s saying hello to a whole new world of exciting entertainment.

Since Labor Day is a holiday and is a day off of work, retailers have taken this opportunity to turn this holiday into a sale day – to grab the customers that have free time on their hands. Surprisingly, Labor Day is comparable in sale days to the big Black Friday!

At Medical Discount Scrubs, we love bringing you sales all year round. But on Labor Day we bring it on full force! In honor of this national holiday, our entire site is 25% off. Yup, you read right – a whopping 25%  off every scrub! While you’re ahead check out the Cherokee Luxe 1999 scrub top. As soon as you’ll see it, you’ll know why you did.

Happy Labor Day whether it’s the end or beginning for you!

Admit You’re Happy Month

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If you’re happy and you know it…admit it! Don’t bother clapping your hands or stamping your feet. Admitting it does the job. Or so it seems.

There’s got to be power in just simply admitting you are happy. It seems that in this generation – where there is constant advertising about what we need and deserve, we end up feeling entitled. Extras become necessities in our minds. Through advertising, we are told that we should have that nice car, a bigger TV, quicker internet, and more clothes. It’s just that all these extras, which we can actually live just fine without, become basics. That’s when we feel disappointed, even upset that we don’t have the resources to get those seemingly ‘basic’ items. Dashed expectations bring unhappiness.

Colors of HappyWell, you’re about to get a heck of a lot happier right now! It’s August and this month is Admit You’re Happy Month. Interestingly, the four weeks in August are nationally known as National Simplify your Life Week, National Smile Week, Friendship Week, and Be Kind to Humankind Week. With just one quick look at the names of the four weeks, it’s easy to see that all these national August weeks focus on happiness. Simplifying your life greatly increases happiness. Get rid of all the extra noise, spend quality time with your loved ones – that’s bound to bring you to appreciate all that you have. Smiling can do the trick too! You know what they say, “Fake it ’till you make it”. Smile even if you don’t feel like it, you’ll feel it soon enough. Friendship week is to enjoy your friends. Life is busy and just letting those dear friends in brings extra happiness to your heart. Lastly, giving is the ultimate gift. Be Kind to Humankind Week brings us happiness even if we may be giving of ourselves to others.

Nurses, in my opinion, practice Be Kind to Humankind every day on the job. Caring tirelessly for the sick and healing is oh so hard but is also super rewarding. I’m sure you nurses know what I’m talkin’ about. Reward yourself with some scrubs, to make that shift just a little easier. So far, Cherokee Luxe has been receiving awesome reviews. Check it out.

So tell us, what makes you happy?

Left Hander’s Day: Facts about the Left Handed

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You a leftie by any chance? Cuz it’s Left Hander’s Day. It happens every year on August 13th.

It’s a fact. Left handed people are outnumbered. Only 10-12% of Earth’s population are lefties! Despite the extremely low ratio of left handed to right handed people in the world, there is something cool and different about humans who are more dexterous with their left hands.

Lucky for lefties, they are not as scorned upon anymore. In many cultures, religions and definitely back in the day, many ugly and negative words were use to describe left handed people. They were looked at as different and even imperfect.  It’s actually quite fascinating that in many languages the word used to say ‘left-handed’ are derived from words that are, let’s just say, less than complimentary. Linkisch, levja, mancino, and sinistrum are a few examples in German, Russian, Italian and Latin and have the meaning of awkward, clumsy, crooked, and maimed.

left handed ecardSurprisingly, so much is right with the lefties! When it comes to the speed of the left brain and right brain connecting, left-handed people win! Their brains are faster which makes them more efficient and have a greater ability to multitask. Additionally, lefties are known to have higher IQ’s than righties. Lefties are also better at playing video games, sports, and can adjust to seeing underwater quicker than the rest of mankind.

It gets even better! Being a leftie can’t be too bad if Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt, Jay Leno, Drew Barrymore and Celine Dion qualify to be in the left-handed club. Famous people like Albert Einstien, Mozart, Leonardo da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin and Aristotle were also known to be left handed.

Think about it – everything in the world is created for right-handed people. How frustrating is that for lefties! That’s why Left Hander’s Day was created. To create awareness of the frustrations left handed people face and struggle with daily and to celebrate their existence.

To make their lives a whole lot easier, there is actually an entire website that exclusively sells items for left handed people. Lefty’s, The Left Handed Store, sells things like scissors, can openers, notebooks, measuring tapes and even knives! You name it – they got it.

Good thing scrubs don’t discriminate. Whether you’re a leftie or rightie you will look awesome in Cherokee Pro-Flexibles scrubs. The Cherokee Luxe scrubs are new and hot on the market and are sexy to say the least.

Happy Left Hander’s Day!

Facts and Stats taken from BBC News,, and

Sponsored Reviews – What’s Authentic and When Your Favorite Blogger’s Been Bought Off

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Bloggers in the medical field abound, and after a while most of us settle on our favorite bloggers that we follow regularly. While it can be fun, blogging can also be hard to keep up, as evidenced by the many “Sorry it’s been so long!” posts on so many blogs. In order to keep up the flow of blog posts, some bloggers allow some guest blogging, but it’s very common to see sponsored posts every so often. A sponsored product review every now and then is okay, but when it looks like the blogger is enjoying the free products a little too much, readers quickly become disenchanted. Here’s how to tell if your favorite blogger is genuinely sharing a review of a great product, or is being bought off by the lure of free stuff.


If the blogger is a nurse and her blog is based on her profession her product reviews should be of medical scrubs or other nurse paraphernalia. Not the latest video game. Sure, everyone strays off topic once in a while, but when she’s reviewing Tide’s new product you know she’s become a walking advertisement. Bloggers know that their readers are of a certain genre. If they want to keep their fans they have to stick to topics, or products, that will interest their readers.

8-5 blog postAuthenticity

We can assume that the reason you may be following a certain blog in the first place is because the blogger comes across as authentic, among other features which may include humor, sarcasm, information, etc. Product reviews, although different than the conventional blog post, should stick to the tone of the blog. If it sounds too commercial and not in sync with the blogger’s style, it probably is commercial – many companies offer to write the blog post for the blogger so that they can stick in the advertising lingo they prefer. The review may be about Cherokee scrubs, but if every second line has the phrase ‘Cherokee medical scrubs’, you’ve got a big red flag.

A perfect example of a good blog post would be a scrubs review that was recently done by Emily of for Medical Discount Scrubs. It is written in her inimitable style, and readers know that she’s simply sharing her good experience with them. See the full review here:

Full Disclosure

Sponsored product reviews should be fully disclosed. Always. No ifs ands or buts. A blogger who does not disclose that the post is sponsored does not deserve the trust of his/her readers. It is simply misleading, and is unfair to readers.

Like any company that believes in their product, we at Medical Discount Scrubs love good product reviews from well-respected bloggers, and we love to hear feedback. However, we try to ensure that our product reviews follow the unwritten code of the blogging world. Let us know if you have any tips for spotting false advertising!

The Top 4 Benefits of Being a Nurse

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Although tough at times, nursing can be rewarding.

Although tough at times, nursing can be rewarding.

Being a nurse can be hard. Draining. Frustrating. Even horrible at times. You may have forgotten after being a nurse for so long that there actually are advantages to being a nurse. We have put together a list of the 4 top reasons nurses have told us they love their nursing jobs. So whether you’re an old time nurse and forgot why you ever wanted to become one, or a nurse in the making – this list is for you!

1. Portability

The number one reason why nursing is so favorable is because you can practically take it anywhere you go! When you’re starting off at college you may not really be sure where life will take you and where you will end up living. Nursing is one of those professions that you can use your degree mostly anywhere by reciprocating your degree. (There are different requirements for every State Board of Nursing, but the process is pretty simple everywhere.)

2. Flexible Schedule

Let’s put it this way – as a nurse you are not locked into a 9-5 work schedule. You can choose 8, 10, 12 hour shifts during the day, weekends, or nights. The options are endless and you can create a schedule that fits your schedule best. If you prefer a more structured, routine schedule, you can choose a nursing job at a school or something more of that nature.

3. Change of Pace

Face it- we get bored easily. Sitting at a computer for hours a day can get so monotonous it’s hard to stay awake. When you’re a nurse things are never the same. Different patients, different scenarios, possibly different settings. Each situation brings challenge, some you may have never done before. And that is exciting!

4. Scrubs

Oh yeah! I think all nurses will agree that scrubs take the cake. Who wouldn’t want to wear pj’s to work? Nurses stay comfy all day in their uniforms. Better than street clothes, better than business suits and heels for sure! Of course, some scrubs are not all that comfortable and can be quite stiff. Make sure to buy super soft stretchy scrubs like the Dickies Xtreme Stretch scrubs.

If you have any benefits you think we should know about, let us know! We’d love to hear.

How To Properly Wash Your Scrubs at Home

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It can be really frustrating that scrubs fade over time. You buy ’em spanking; the color is bright and deep just the way you like it. But just a few washes later they’re a distant relative of the color they once were.

It can also be quite unnerving to think of all the bacteria on your scrubs. After a 12 hour shift scrubs are anything but sanitary. Well, just to name a few – a few different patients’ blood may have ended up on various parts of your attire, there may be some bodily extractions around your mid body region and of course, some spilled food is inevitable. Something tells me the washing machine just won’t cut it. Are you really doing the right thing when washing scrubs at home?

We have put together a list of do’s and don’ts for your scrub wash routine so that your scrubs stay true in color and can be super sanitary as well as.

The need to be autoclaved is real! Washing just doesn't feel enough.

The need to be autoclaved is real!


  • Wash your scrubs with half a cup of white distilled vinegar with every load. This will help set the color and help the scrubs from bleeding and fading.
  • Turn your scrubs inside out before you wash them. When the scrubs are washed inside out, it will help with fading too.
  • If you can, take your scrubs on and off at work. Place them in closed bag and wash them at home. This will minimize the amount of bacteria that will contaminate your scrubs on your way home.
  • Wash your scrubs separate from your regular clothing to minimize the spread of bacteria.
  • 100% Cotton scrubs should be washed in cold water, 65% Cotton/35% Poly scrubs should be washed in warm water.
  • Dry your scrubs in the dryer halfway, then line dry.


  • Don’t overstuff the washing machine when washing scrubs. Scrubs need plenty of room to move around in order get clean.
  • Avoid washing your scrubs in hot water. Hot water can set stains and decrease the quality of your scrubs.
  • Don’t toss your scrubs in the dryer until they are bone dry.

And while you’re ahead, save yourself some grief and purchase good quality scrubs that will last you a lifetime! The Cherokee Workwear Stretch scrubs are the basic Workwear on a whole new level. The most popular top is the Cherokee Workwear Stretch 4748 mock wrap scrub top.

Wash well and keep clean!

How to Feel Summer Even at Work

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You can feel Summer at work too!

You can feel Summer at work too!

When we were kids, summer was vacation. Now as adults, it can be anything but!

It’s hard to work in the summer. The shift seems longer, the hours seem to stretch and go by ever so slowly. It’s funny how in the winter months, work seems so much shorter, quicker and exciting! Hands down, it’s the weather that looks so enticing on the drive to work. The sun is shining, the children are at day camp and the beach is beckoning for our arrival! The last thing we want to do is spend our days indoors.

When the work days seem endless and you just want to run outside and skip home, there are ways that you can give yourself an easy summer boost. Firstly, if you have windows at work, pull those blinds up and let the sun fill the room. It’s cool how much less isolated you’ll feel when you can actually see what’s going on outdoors and let the sun shine in. If you don’t have windows at work or the sunlight won’t quite do it for you, go ahead and take a 5 minute stroll outside. This can do wonders! You’ll feel refreshed, energized and like you’re actually getting time in the sun. Eat your lunch outdoors and you’ll feel even better!

Cherokee Scoop Neck Top 3819B

Cherokee 3819B Scrub Top Summery Print

Another easy idea to get the clock to tick faster is to listen to music on the job. If you’re in an office, turn your favorite radio show on low volume on your computer. If you’re occupation entails more movement, keep headphones or ear-buds on you to connect to your phone or iPod. Your favorite songs are bound to keep you entertained. The most important tip we have – do all the menial tasks in the morning. Get the more boring work out of the way first thing in the morning when your attention is sharper and you are more enthusiastic.

Believe it or not, what you’re wearing has great impact on how you feel. Don those summery, fresh, bright clothes and you’ll be enjoying the summer from indoors as well. The Cherokee 3819B scrub top has so much personality. Or try the Cherokee Workwear Stretch Top 4727 in the color Shocking Pink, for a full on summer feel.

So even if you’re doing a staycation this summer, it can be as refreshing as you make it out to be!

Happy Chocolate Day!

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Happy Chocolate Day!

Happy Chocolate Day!

I’ll bet you didn’t know there was a National Chocolate Day. It actually happens every July 7th. Now that’s a day I would like to religiously observe!

I don’t care why, how or who this day came about. I’m just psyched. An entire day on which I am granted full permission to just eat chocolate for breakfast, lunch and supper. Mmm, thinking of all the possibilities are mouth watering!

I’m sure you know chocolate is made of cocoa beans which is actually a vegetable. It can’t be that bad, can it? Well, chocolate definitely has its health benefits. The seeds of the cocoa tree are rich in flavanols, like tea, which boast antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. You’ll love the next perk, weight watchers! There was actually a study conducted by the Archives of Internal Medicine which confirmed that individuals who consumed more chocolate than others who did not, had a lower BMI. My favorite though, is that chocolate increases endorphin production, which releases feel-good feelings. Chocolate also contains serotonin which acts as an anti-depressant. Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about!

Cherokee Workwear Stretch 4752 Top in the color chocolate

Chocolate Colored Cherokee Workwear Stretch 4752 Top

The downside to chocolate is that most chocolate bars and chocolate candy are packed with sugar. While it tastes heavenly, it won’t look that appealing once it hits your thighs. We do know an alternative that will definitely flatter your figure though! The Dickies EDS 810506 mock wrap top in the color Chocolate is the answer. Or try the new Cherokee Workwear Stretch 4752 v-neck top in the color chocolate with a contrasting turquoise blue color on the stitching. How pretty!

So here’s to celebrating chocolate! We wish you a Happy Chocolate Day with wise chocolate choices.

July 4th Mini-Vacation Ideas

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July 4th Beach Mini-Vacation

July 4th Beach Mini-Vacation

We can’t believe it either. July 4th is around the corner. What that really means is that it’s the birthday of the good ol’  U.S. Most of us have the work day off on Independence Day but how many of us really loosen up? Most of the time when I have a day off, I sort of use that day to get to my five-month old chores. Organizing the garage, screwing the shelf that’s been shaky all year… Accomplishing? Yes. Rejuvenating? Not so much.

This year, we’re going to really chill out. There are so many family-friendly, relaxing ideas for July 4th that are absolutely pro bono. You can start the day with a late family breakfast then head to the beach. You can even pack sandwiches, snacks or drinks in advance so you don’t have to spend money on the never ending take-out food. Or you can go to a local park, tan and have a picnic. What’s cool about July 4th is that most cities have free concerts, hot dog eating contests, and random, cool shows. Most towns and cities have fireworks at night, too. This can be enjoyable for a night out with friends or for the entire family! A great idea would be to take a camera wherever you go and get some really nice family photos you never have time to take. Simply snap as you’re having a great time – you’ll be happy to capture the memories.

Of course, July 4th is about celebrating our country and coming back to work refreshed the next day. Sometimes it isn’t only the beach and concerts that will bring you to work feeling revitalized. Buying scrubs on our July 4th Blowout Sale is a real breather and will have you feeling completely invigorated.

When I think of July 4th I think beach, fireworks, BBQ and friends. Make that happen!
